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Sandra Chaloux

Sandra Chaloux, spiritual healer and guide

Lightworker + Intuitive + Spiritual Artist + Entrepreneur


I grew up in Alexandria, Virginia. Reside in Aldie, Virginia. Am a Virginia Tech graduate. Empath. Wife. Dog Mom. Love all things nature, flowers, angels, crystals, orbs, Ascended Masters, woo woo. New to the art scene.


It is my intention to create, attract and express the truths of my heart in service to the greater good.​ It is my desire that my work and life journey are a powerful contribution to the collective awakening -guiding humanity towards a new era of 5D consciousness and interconnectedness.


Previously, I spent 8 years in the holistic healing industry and am adept in energy healing in the form of chakra balancing and spiritual alchemy. I have been a small business owner for 30 years and I have had 9 lives when it comes to my professional career.


I am a spiritual artist now. What does this mean? I am now channeling inspiration and healing vibrations from the spirit realm into flow art paintings and jewelry. The artwork and jewelry are inspired by universal spiritual themes and vibrant colors and the Ascended Masters, Archangels, and my Angels and Guides.


Painting helps me express and integrate the higher frequencies I am experiencing as part of my Ascension journey. I am guided by my Spirit Team through this whole process and have had no formal art training. My desire is that my creativity becomes a powerful tool for positive change.


As we allow our creativity to flow freely, we become a beacon of inspiration for others -reminding them of the limitless potential that exists within each of us. Our creative expression becomes a way of anchoring more light, love and beauty into the world -one painting, song or creation at a time -one idea at a time. We must trust that our unique creative voice is needed in the world and that our ideas have the power to make a difference. As we align with the creative flow of the Universe, we nourish our soul and contribute to the collective awakening of humanity. I believe that our creativity is a sacred gift, a reflection of our divine nature and a powerful tool for personal and collective transformation. With each act of creative expression, we are weaving a new world into being -one that is more beautiful, compassionate, and alive.


My creative process goes like this- the idea for a theme of a painting comes through first and in some cases the Ascended Master or Archangel who is creating it or over lighting it. I am then guided to the size canvas to use and the colors that will be used and the order that they are to be used. The rest is an intuitive go with the flow process to create these stunning final creations. I have no idea what it will look like until it is complete. It is always exciting to see what colors rise to the surface when they dry. I am merely the vessel for manifesting the spirit of these into physical manifestation. What is really fun is hearing what other people see in the paintings. That is the beauty of contemporary abstract art. The paintings that are coming through are very high vibrational. I started noticing the healing and inspiring aura colors I have when I do aura scans in front of these paintings.



I love connecting with other Conscious Creators, lightworkers, starseeds, blue rays, and other souls who have a higher calling to help humanity in raising the consciousness on planet earth. Together we are flowing into Divine Service. That is why we are here -to usher in the New Earth and heart-based, unity consciousness. If this is you too, please reach out and say hello. I’d love to connect and hear what you are creating or working on.

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