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Unity Consciousness Painting

Unity - A New Dawn
Unity - A New Dawn

I've been focusing my attention on New Earth energy lately in an effort to anchor as much Divine Light as I can during these trying times. The word that kept coming up in my awareness is Unity. So I decided to do a flow art painting to see what would come through. This is it. A beautiful landscape in a portrait orientation - I usually paint in landscape orientation. The only tool I use when I paint is a pendulum to guide me in paint color selection, etc. I always feel blessed when a painting like this comes through. The first message that came to me about it is Unity Consciousness -a new dawn is rising - a warm light of possibility and unity. Heaven on Earth.

I was initially puzzled by the dark marks in the sky and then it dawned on me that they remind me of starlings when they swarm. Birds like starlings that swarm together in large groups are called murmurations. They swarm to avoid predators, for mating and social interaction. They swarm at dusk or dawn.

I researched the spiritual meaning of starlings and discovered that they symbolize unity, collective consciousness, adaptability, and the power of community due to their mesmurizing flocking behavior where thousands of birds move in synchronized patterns. They are also sometimes seen as messengers of change and transformation.

Key aspects of starling's spiritual meaning:

  • Strength in numbers: The way starlings flock together represents the power of collective action and the importance of unity within a group.

  • Adaptability and flexibility: Their ability to quickly change direction within a murmuration can symbolize the need to adjust to changing circumstances and embrace new perspectives.

  • Divine guidance: Some cultures view starling sightings as a sign of divine guidance or messages from the spirit world.

  • Transformation and renewal: In Celtic mythology, the association with Brigid also links starlings to themes of rebirth and personal growth.

I know that if we spend any time tuning into mass media or even social media, it is easy to fall into a state of fear, divisiveness, and confusion. We all have a choice as to what we are tuning into. I don't tune into mass media anymore because I don't believe it helps my growth and evolution and I don't feel I am missing anything. Instead, I am focusing on content and activities that raise my vibration and consciousness and bring me joy. This is the best way to contribute to the collective.

We incarnated at this historic time to participate in the creation of the New Earth -one based on love, unity, compassion, collaboration and co-creation. We are all divine beings of light, aspects of our Source and Creator and equally important in this endeavor. We all have a unique role to play. Our true nature is love, harmony, understanding, and unity. God did not give us a spirit of fear or separation. Think of this chaotic time as necessary for our rebirth, to make space for the new. This will be the year of revelation as more and more light is streaming onto Earth. Personally and collectively this will bring up awareness of what no longer serves us, it must be seen and felt to heal it. Try not to judge and instead be a neutral observer sending love and compassion to whatever is coming up to be seen and released in yourself and others. (Judging lowers your vibration)

The dark forces are trying to create fear and division but we can choose peace and love instead and remember that God/Source (whatever you want to call the HIgher Power) is the only true power that exists. Anything fear-based is an illusion that we can choose to release and transmute back into a higher frequency energy of love, divine light, and compassion. Where our attention goes, energy flows. So choose wisely. Let love lead. Go inward for wisdom and guidance. Give yourself time in stillness, away from distractions so you can strengthen your connection with the Divine, your Higher Self, and your intuition. This is the only thing that will bring you true peace. Focus your attention on your heart center and nurture your inner light and let it guide you. I am excited to see what we will co-create in 5D consciousness for the New Earth. Peace and blessings.


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